Leon, this is the second article of yours that I have read and both are outstanding! Thank you for your vulnerability as it assuredly is helping others. With that, here are three quotes that have helped me and I’d like to share them with you:
1) Vulnerability is invincibility - you clearly have embraced this!
2) A quote from Buddha - “Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. “ We all will experience pain but almost all suffering comes from the egoic nonsense that rattles around inside our heads! You have recognized that the ego loves drama, conflict, comparing, shaming, blaming, etc.. So glad to hear that you don’t listen to the ego! By the way, it might be helpful to name your ego or voice as it then becomes easier to dismiss. Mine is “Catastrophe Chris” lol. When that voice starts talking, I just say “there goes Catastrophe Chris again” and it becomes so much easier to dismiss!
3) The amazing Vietnamese Monk, Thich Nhat Hahn, who recently passed once said, “no mud, no lotus.” The lotus flower is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It has to grow through a lot of mud before it blossoms. You have grown through the mud my friend and now you are blossoming!
Peace BU my friend and keep up the awesome articles!